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How the Obalon® System for Weight Loss Works

How the Obalon® System for Weight Loss Works

Happy New Year from the team at OasisMD Lifestyle Healthcare! If you’re struggling with your weight, like nearly three-quarters of Americans, this new year could be the year you reclaim your health and shed those excess pounds. 

Board-certified plastic surgeon James J. Chao, MD, FACS, and our compassionate team help men and women in San Diego, Encinitas, and Temecula, California, achieve their weight loss goals—and keep the extra weight off—using the nonsurgical Obalon® Balloon System.

This FDA-approved system helps you retrain your brain and body so that you can meet your goals with no surgery or medication required. If you’re ready to lose weight and take back control of your health, keep reading to learn how this FDA-approved system works and whether you’re a candidate.

How the Obalon System works

The Obalon Balloon System is the only FDA-approved gastric balloon weight loss method. It works by using medical-grade balloons to take up space in your stomach. 

With less space available, you feel fuller after consuming less food—and fewer calories. In other words, with Obalon you eat less and lose weight faster.

When you come in for your Obalon appointment, your provider asks you to swallow the balloons. They then use an X-ray to make sure they’re correctly placed in your stomach. 

Everyone’s treatment plan varies based on their current and goal weights, but on average, most OasisMD Lifestyle Healthcare patients swallow three balloons. 

It only takes about 10 minutes to swallow the balloons and check their positioning. You then leave the balloons in place for about six months, but you can have them removed in about 15-20 minutes whenever you choose.

When it comes time to remove the balloons, you relax while your team member administers light sedation, so you stay comfortable. Your provider then punctures the balloons and removes them once they’re deflated.

Why choose the Obalon System

If you’ve tried to lose weight but struggled to do so on your own and prefer a nonsurgical or drug-free approach, the Obalon Balloon System offers several benefits. One of the biggest reasons people turn to Obalon is its effectiveness. 

After one year, clinical studies show patients keep off 89% of the weight they’ve lost. To do this, however, you need to maintain a healthy diet and engage in regular exercise. Obalon helps you retrain your body and brain for success during your treatment.

Other reasons to choose the Obalon Balloon System include:

Plus, studies show patients who use the Obalon System lose twice as much weight compared to those who try to lose weight using diet and exercise alone. 

Candidates for the Obalon System

Most adults with 30-100 pounds to lose are candidates for the Obalon Balloon System. However, the treatment isn’t for everyone. The best way to learn if you’re a candidate is by scheduling a weight loss consultation with Dr. Chao at OasisMD Lifestyle Healthcare. 

In the meantime, here’s a closer look at what requirements you should meet to be a candidate for Obalon as well as the factors that might prevent you from getting this treatment: 

Requirements for candidacy

The best ObalonBalloon System candidates are adults (ages 22+) who also:

You should also have good overall health and not be or plan to become pregnant when the Obalon Balloons are in your stomach. 

Reasons to avoid the Obalon System

There are factors that may mean the Obalon Balloon system isn’t right for you. If you have any of the following factors, you might not qualify for Obalon:

Keep in mind this list isn’t comprehensive. Other contraindications could apply that prevent you from using the Obalon System. 

Learn more about the Obalon Balloon System and whether it’s right for you by scheduling a consultation at OasisMD Lifestyle Healthcare in Southern California. 

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